
A little sneak peek at our upcoming events!!


Outreach Talks 

It is a privilege to promote Ngee Ann Polytechnic's School of Business & Accountacy to the secondary school students. And you can gain this priviledge through outreach talks conducted in various secondary schools! Travel to these schools to talk about the school of BA and what we offer. Hopefully we would widen their knowledge about the school of BA with the opportunities and activities here!

Recruitment Drive (RD)

The time of the the year where we recruit our new envoys to our big wonderful family. 3 days of non-stop fun and crowd at CC Underpass.


Annual General Meeting (AGM)

To warmly welcome the new envoys who have entered our family!

Main Camp

Are you ready for some fun? The Envoys Main Camp is an annual bonding camp to warmly welcome the new members of envoys, to make new friends and to simply let loose and have fun! Be prepared to have the best few days of your life as you embark on the envoys' journey with us!

Envoys Friday

Envoys' Friday is a fortnight activity that bring the fellow envoys together for time of fun through sports and games! Indulge yourself through interesting sports and games planned by the Envoys Friday Crew!  Interested freshmen can plan an envoys friday and could possibly enter the envoys friday crew to plan for future Envoys' Fridays and the Envoys' Friday Camp!

EF Camp

The Envoys' Friday  Camp is planned entirely by the freshmen! Get ready for a huge load of fun as you carry out the camp activities for your very own friends!

Appreciation Night


Appreciation Night is an event organized by our Events Subcommittee where all the current envoys and alumnus come together for a formal dinner where they get to interact with each other. It is an event where we get to appreciate and thank the alumnus effort for building up Envoys rapport and the current envoys for their hard work in events. What other better way is there to spend a night than with good food, good performance and the best company?

Open House

Open House is where secondary school students go to the different polytechnics to explore their options for tertiary education. BA Envoys are tasked to facilitate this event for the School of Business & Accountancy to assist in the queries.

Red Camp 

As ambassadors of the school of BA, it is our job to promote it. Red Camp is an annual camp conducted for secondary school students moving on to tertiary education. we would be expected to provide information about the school of BA to them. Grab this opportunity to interact with these students and widen your social circle!

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